Leading the Mission
❤️ Living Our Beliefs
We expect Host Team Leaders to be able to live out our beliefs. We don’t want to put anyone in a position where they have to provide guidance on something they don’t agree with. With that in mind, please review the following expectations:
Be spiritually filled before serving:
Read the Bible daily.
Attend a Life.Church service weekly.
Participate in a LifeGroup (either through Life.Church or your home church) at least monthly.
Be part of an accountability relationship.
Pursuing the tithe (10%) of your income to Life.Church or your home church.
Refrain from viewing pornography.
Refrain from excessive alcohol and drug use.
Practice a biblical view of sexuality:
Commit to sex only within marriage.
Choose not to cohabitate outside of marriage.
Uphold marriage as a union by God between a man and a woman.
Represent Life.Church’s Aligning Values and Beliefs both online and offline.
- Follow Life.Church's Social Media Guidelines
If you have questions about any of these, please reach out to your leader.
1.5 Hours of Serving Per Week: Leading your team’s assigned service and also communicating and building relationships with your teammates throughout the week. This includes arriving 15 minutes before your service and passing the service over to the next HTL after your service (if applicable).
One-On-One with Community Leader: Meet with your Community Leader in a 1-1 Zoom Video call once a month so they can connect with you and help you and your team grow.